MATLAB: Can i discretise a transfer function in “butter” toolbox Matlab

filterMATLABtransfer function

if I use the following command, does that make sense for discretisation? or i need to use "c2d" toolbox matlab for that ?
can anyone help me with that.
thanks in advance
the code is for :
A high-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 0.02 Hz
A model whose filter is a first-order lag system (n=1). And Sampling time: 0.01 s;
Wn=0.02; %Hz
% Transfer Function design
[b,a] = butter(n,Wn,'high');

Best Answer

Could you explain what you mean by discreization? Using your syntax, the output of butter is already a digital filter so I don't think you need somthing like c2d.