MATLAB: Call function by path or namespace

function handleMATLABname clashnamespacepath

I have a package that was given to me that has some functions that have the same name as built in MATLAB functions, preventing me from calling the built in functions. I can image a similar situation where I have been given several packages with functions of the same name. Is there some way to call a function by path (or specify which function I want), or to specify a name space? I did find this similar question, where the suggested solution is to rename the functions, but logistically that can be difficult for packages I don’t control.

Best Answer

That's a good question. These two Matlab blogs
touch upon the topic. If nothing else they suggest that there is a real problem that lacks a good and simple solution.
You write "packages", but that word is already taken by Matlab, see Packages Create Namespaces.
"rename the functions, but logistically that can be difficult for packages I don’t control" indeed and when a new version of the package appears ... .
I have a suggestion that's workable in some cases
  • the package has a simple folder structure; not a lot of nested subfolders
  • the name collisions are caused by ordinary functions; not classes or package folders
  • the package shall permanently be on the Matlab search path
Move the functions that cause collosions to new or existing private folders. Something like
It might be necessary to put copies of the a function that cause collosion in more than one private folder.