MATLAB: Calculate acceleration from velocity and time fron excel


Hi I have an excel sheet with Velocity and Time columns for each step. I need help to input this excel sheet and add a 3rd column with acceleration data.
For example: (Input)
Time (s) Velocity (m/s)
0 50
1 51
2… 52…
For example: (Required Output)
T (s) V (m/s) Acceleration (dV/T)(m/s^2)
0 50 (50-0)/0
1 51 (51-50)/1
2… 52… (52-51)/2
I've used the following to read the Excel
[filepath,name,ext] = fileparts(filename) ;
data = readtable(filename);
N = length(data.t);

Best Answer

acceleration = diff(data.Velocity)./diff(data.Time);
Note that this vector has one entry less than the original ones, so you may be interested in creating a new vector of time at the mid point of each time interval
tt = (data.Time(1:end-1)+data.Time(2:end))/2;
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