MATLAB: Calculating velocity and acceleration from force data


bw means bodyweight
I have a force and I have tried to take the bw away from the force and then find velocity and acceleration is this right?
% Calculation of Velocity and Acceleration
%force to acceleration by f=ma
%acceleration to velocity = cumtrapz
time = (0:fps:length(fz)-fps);
bw = nanmean(abs(fz(1:to(i,1):40)));
mass = bw/g;
IFz= fz - bw;
I = trapz(time(to(i,1):td(i,1)), IFz(to(i,1):td(i,1)));
a = I/mass;
v = I/(bw);

Best Answer

Look at the dimensions of your variables:
a = I/mass; -> Newtons / kg = m/s^2 -> OK
v = I/(bw); -> Newtons / Newtons -> NO OK
your definition of velocity does not seem to be right