MATLAB: C-compiler setup in MATLAB R2009a 64-bit version

64-bitcompilerembedded matlabsimulink make error

I am trying to run an embedded matlab code in the 64-bit version of MATLAB R2009a and am getting a 'Make error' as shown below,
Making simulation target "gammatoneFilter_sfun", …
D:\00_Project\Matlab\Moi\v6\slprj\_sfprj\gammatoneFilter\_self\sfun\src>"d:\program files\matlab\r2009a\sys\lcc\bin\lccmake" -f gammatoneFilter_sfun.lmk The system cannot find the path specified.
I understand this is be because the compiler is not installed using the 'mex -setup' command but on doing so unlike the 32-bit version there are no compilers listed to install.
1) I have both the 32 & 64 bit versions installed in D-drive and in separate folders D:/Program Files/Matlab_64bit & D:/Program Files(x86)/Matlab_32bit. Is this causing any problem?
2) Am I missing any package that helps install the 64-bit version of lcc/gcc? If so which one and where can I find it?
3) Since I received 'Simulink memory allocation error' when running the code in 32-bit version, I am trying to run the code in the 64-bit version. Is this right way? or should I write a better code & run it in 32-bit version?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I am not all too familiar with the Simulink memory allocation error (perhaps your model deals with large amounts of memory?), but I think attempting to run the model on 64-bit is definitely worth a try.
The free LCC compiler that 32-bit MATLAB ships is a 32-bit compiler only, and cannot generate 64-bit binaries - this is why 64-bit MATLAB does not ship with it. You can install MSVC 2008 Express which is a free compiler and is supported with R2009a (see full list here ). Please pay special attention to footnote#6 on the same page, to ensure that you install x64 compilers for MSVC 2008.
Once you have installed the compiler, run "mex -setup" and run your model again.