MATLAB: Busy forever in Matlab R2019a

busy foreverMATLAB

Running R2019a under Windows 10, I suddenly find that various commands cause Matlab to enter the 'busy' state forever. The only recourse seems to be forcing Matlab to end via Task Manager. The problematic commands include:
saveas % for all file types except .fig
cd % when changing to a non-existent directory, e.g. mis-typing the path.
Sometimes this makes the whole computer unusable, with other programs 'not responding' for a long time. Task Manager shows disk use at 100%, but with very little disk throughput, <100kB/s.
This didn't happen a week ago on the same machine. I haven't made any changes to Matlab, but I do accept the Windows updates pushed by Microsoft.

Best Answer

I tried using Matlab 2018a instead, since I still have it installed on the same machine. I did not encounter the reported problem. I then re-installed Matlab 2019a, allowing the installer to overwrite all the executable files. The problem no longer occurs.
It would appear that one or more files of the 2019a installation was corrupted.
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