MATLAB: BUG (??) :pdist x dist x pdist2

distnot a bugpdistpdist2which -all

Hi all,
I always used pdist to calculate euclidian distance between two points, but suddenly my m.file began to complain that "?? Error using ==> pdist Too many input arguments.". Well, how is possible for one routine that was working fine begin to complain after I tried "dist" in another routine ?
Anyway, I figure it out that maybe pdist is not the best choice for only two points distance. Is "dist" the correct function?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Without addressing your issue with pdist, you can use norm()
x = [1 -1];
y = [1 1];
% norm(x-y,1)
Note that norm(x-y,2) is the same as
pdist([x' y'])