MATLAB: Boxplot with logarithmic y-axis


I want to have a boxplot with logarithmic scale on the y-axis (similiar to the semilogy command for plot). I have not yet found a good solution. So far I transformed my data before creating the plot with the log() function, and afterwards I used the normal boxplot command. The plot itself looks nice then, but the y-axis is wrongly scaled. The y-range lies between -5 and -2, but I want to have exp(-5) to exp(-2). Is there a way to take the exponential of the whole axis? As a rather poor solution, I manually set the y-tick to [-5 -4 -3 -2] and then the yticklabel to {'exp(-5)',…,'exp(-2)'}, but this is for sure not an elegant solution.

Best Answer

The tick values must correspond to the plotted data. The tick labels can be whatever you want.
You can change the scale of your Y axis. Have you tried setting it to log?
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis.Scale ="log";