MATLAB: Block cannot cross a non-virtual subsystem boundary, since both blocks are part of the same discrete-event system.


Hi People, I'm getting a really big headache with SimEvents. Thing is I have two atomic subsystems in a library that I'm slowly building. When I create a new model ant I try to connect these two subsystems i get the following error:
The line connecting the 'Project1/Generator' block to the 'Project1/Node/Entity Queue' block cannot cross a non-virtual subsystem boundary, since both blocks are part of the same discrete-event system.
What is interesting is that it treats the Generator block as a block, however the other Block he is referring to the Queue that is inside the subsystem. Don't know exactly what to do.
Best Regards, Mathias

Best Answer

I don't think it is allowed. From this documentation here, "The entire discrete-event subsystem, which includes all discrete-event blocks, must reside entirely within the atomic subsystem. You cannot route entities into, or out of, the atomic subsystem."