MATLAB: Is it possible to create a SimEvents block whose only purpose is to modify an attribute without queueing entities or modifying flow in any way(R2017b)


I would like to insert a SimEvents block that can be used to modify an attribute of the entities passing through it.  However, I do not want the block to hold/block/queue any entities.  Is there a block that will allow me to do this. 

Best Answer

Entity attributes can be modified within the event actions tab of a SimEvents block.  However, each SimEvents block is designed to manipulate the flow of entities in some way.  There is no block that will allow you to modify an attribute of an entity without an accompanied influence on the flow of those entities.  Furthermore, the attributes cannot be modified at exit of a block.  The attribute of an entity will need to be modified once it reaches the next block.  Although this may be inconvenient, it it will still give the same result as the non-existent option to modify at the source block exit would give.