MATLAB: Bisection Method Error – Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.

bisectionMATLABmatlab functionmatrix arraymultipleoptimizationportfolio

I'm trying to Run this Below Code with But I am getting this error.Please help me finding the error
tol = 1.e-10;
a = 1.0;
b = 2.0;
nmax = 100;
% Initialization
itcount = 0;
error = 1.0;
% Graph of the function
xval = linspace(a,b,100);
for i=1:100
fval(i) = func(xval(i));
grid on;
hold on;
% iteration begins here
while (itcount <= nmax && error >= tol)
itcount = itcount + 1;
% Generate and save iteratres
x = a + (b-a)/2;
z(itcount) = x;
fa = func(a);
fb = func(b);
fx = func(x);
error = abs(fx);
% error = abs(x - xold);
if (error < tol)
x_final = x;
if (fa*fx < 0)
% root is between a and x
b = x;
% root is between x and b
a = x;
if (itcount < nmax);
val = func(x);
fprintf(1,'Converged solution after %5d iterations',itcount);
fprintf(1,' is %15.7e, %e \n',x_final, val);
else fprintf(1,'Not converged after %5d iterations',nmax);
function val = func(x)
%val = x^3 + 4 * x^2 - 10;
val = x^3 - x - 3;
%val = sin(x);

Best Answer

20 x 2
Q = cov(rtns)
2 x 2
a = [0;1]; B = [1;-1];
2 x 1 each
V = a.*Q*a + 2*a.*Q*B*x + B.*Q*B*x^2
a is 2 x 1, Q is 2 x 2, so a.*Q is going to be 2 x 2 because of implicit expansion. Then you * it by a 2 x 1 and the inner dimensions match for that, so you get back 2 x 1.
Likewise 2*a.*Q*B is 2 x 1 and x is a scalar, so the second term is 2 x 1.
SImilarly B.*Q*B is 2 x 1 and x^2 is scalar so the third term is 2 x 1.
You are adding three 2 x 1 vectors, so V is going to be 2 x 1.
You are now throwing around 2 x 1 vectors and 1 x 2 vectors in the same arithmetic expressions, so you end up getting a 2 x 2 output.
V = a.*Q*a + 2*a.*Q*B*x + B.*Q*B*x^2
Perhaps the expression for that is instead
V = a'*Q*a + 2*a'*Q*B*x + B'*Q*B*x^2
Then that would be 2 x 1 transposed giving 1 x 2, matrix multiply by 2 x 2, giving a 1 x 2 result; matrix multiply by a 2 x 1 getting a 1 x 1 result; likewise for all three terms.