MATLAB: Binary Linear Programm: find multiple / all solutions


I have a binary linear programm of the form
argmin_x 0
s.t. Ax=b
intlinprog( zeros(numVars,1), 1:numVars,[], [], A_eq, b_eq, zeros(numVars,1), ones(numVars,1), options );
meaning, a feasibility problem. Is it possible, .e.g. with intlinprog, to find several or even all solutions to that problem?

Best Answer

Optimization tools like intlinprog find ONE solution to a problem. They are not designed to search your space and return multiple feasible solutions.
You have no objective here, merely a goal of finding all feasible solutions to a linear system of equality constraints. I suppose you could assign various random objectives, and hope the IP solver generates a different solution for each objective.
Really, you are not looking to use an optimization tool. I have no idea what your constraint system is like or the size of your problem, so I cannot even suggest an alternative.
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