MATLAB: Is bintprog still invokable post-R2013

bintprogintlinprogoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

I'm still using R2013, and I notice that bintprog has no online documentation in the R2014 version of the Optimization Toolbox. I understand that intlinprog would render bintprog obsolete, and for that reason use of it should be discontinued. However, I am wondering if R2104 will be backward compatible with any current code I have that calls bintprog, once I do finally get around to upgrading. Is bintprog still alive in R2104, invisible in the documentation, but perhaps calling intlinprog under the hood?

Best Answer

According to the ‘Tips’ section of the intlinprog documentation:
  • intlinprog replaces bintprog. To update old bintprog code to use intlinprog, make the following changes:
Set |intcon| to |1:numVars|, where |numVars| is the number of variables in your problem.
Set |lb| to |zeros(numVars,1)|.
Set |ub| to |ones(numVars,1)|.
Update any relevant options. Use |optimoptions| to create options for |intlinprog|.
Change your call to |bintprog| as follows:
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = bintprog(f,A,b,Aeq,Beq,x0,options)
% Change your call to:
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = intlinprog(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,Beq,lb,ub,options)
No recent experience with this. Just quoting from the documentation.