MATLAB: Basic operations, could someone help me do this


Create two random matrices in Matlab, A (n x m) and B (m x n). a) Find the product ? = ? ∙ ?; b) Create a symmetric matrix D using C; c) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix D; d) Sort the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors according ascending/descending order of eigenvalues; e) Sort the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors according to a random order; f) Plot the eigenvalues and the accumulative eigenvalues; g) Plot the dot product matrix of eigenvectors as a 2D surface.

Best Answer

This is a partial answer. To create a random mXn matrix you can use A=rand(m,n) with m rows and n columns, with random values between 0 and 1. For some purposes I think rand might not be truly random but this is way beyond my level. If you need integers randi(m,n) should work. For the product just type C=A*B
For the eigenvalues and eigen vectors lookup the eig function here:
[V,L]=eig(D) will give eigenvectors of D stored in V and eigenvalues stored in L once you find the matrix D.
Information on plot can be found here: