MATLAB: Barweb in 2014b doesn’t work any more


One of my favorite community functions barweb not longer works with 2014b due to the change in the way figure handles are referenced. Are there any barweb users out there that managed to tweak the barweb.m file to make it work?

Best Answer

The problem with this function is that it is failing on getting the X position of each bar - so that the errorbar can be placed on the middle of the bar.
The error actually occurs on:
x=get(get(handles.bars(i),'children'), 'xdata');
In HG1 this line was getting the X position of the patch. The bar is no longer a patch so you need to get the x position another way.
If you update the if statement to the following:
% Plot erros
for i = 1:numbars
if ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.4') % HG2
x = handles.bars(i).XData + handles.bars(i).XOffset;
x =get(get(handles.bars(i),'children'), 'xdata');
x = mean(x([1 3],:));
handles.errors(i) = errorbar(x, barvalues(:,i), errors(:,i), 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'linewidth', 2);
ymax = max([ymax; barvalues(:,i)+errors(:,i)]);
It works for a "trivial" example. I didn't check for passing in anymore than 2 inputs.