MATLAB: Bar graph with coustomize x axis

bar graph with coustomize x axisMATLAB

I have four vectors
a = [1, 3, 5,7]
b = [2,4,6,8]
c = [5,7,9,6]
d = [8,5,11,12]
I need to plot a bar graph, in which x axis vary from 1 to 12. First element of all vectors need to be plot against 1 on x axias, similarly second element of all vectors need to be plot against 4 on x axias, third element of all vectors need to be plot against 8 on x axias and fourth element of all vectors need to be plot against 12 on x axias.
I do not want to show the intermediate value on x axis, I mean 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.

Best Answer

Try something like this
a = [1, 3, 5,7];
b = [2,4,6,8];
c = [5,7,9,6];
d = [8,5,11,12];
M = [a; b; c; d].';
f = figure();
ax = axes();
bar(ax, M);
ax.XTickLabel = {'1', '4', '8', '12'};