MATLAB: Axis Labels/Tick Marks for surfm plot

Mapping ToolboxMATLABsurfmticklabelstickmarks

Here is my working code to generate a 4 panel plot of northern hemisphere seasonal wind speeds with a map in the background using Matlab 2015a:
lat = linspace(0, 90, size(Vwin,1));
lon = linspace(-180, 180, size(Vwin,2));
data = {Vwin, Vspr, Vsum, Vfal};
Title = {'\fontsize{23} \bf NHFT Mean Merid Winter Wind Speed';
'\fontsize{23} \bf NHFT Mean Merid Spring Wind Speed';
'\fontsize{23} \bf NHFT Mean Merid Summer Wind Speed';
'\fontsize{23} \bf NHFT Mean Merid Fall Wind Speed'};
coast = load('coast');
for ii = 1:4
ax(ii) = axes('position', pos(ii,:));
axesm('eqdcylin','origin',[0 270 0],'MapLatLimit',[0 90]);
gridm on;
surfm(lat, lon, data{ii},'EdgeColor','none'); colormap(jet);
caxis([-8,8]); set(gca,'FontSize',17);
geoshow(coast, 'color', 'k');
xlabel('\fontsize{20} \bf Longitude');
ylabel('\fontsize{20} \bf Latitude');
Here is what I had used previously to define grid axis ticks and labels of a surf plot:
set(gca,'xlim',[1 180]); set(gca,'XTick',(1:10:180)); set(gca,'XtickLabel',(-180:20:180));
set(gca,'ylim',[1 46]); set(gca,'YTick',(1:5:46)); set(gca,'YtickLabel',(0:10:90));
When I plug this directly into the loop, it labels the axes correctly but doesn't show the data or map correctly. Alternatively, using setm(gca ….) gives me the error below. Thus, I am unsure how to properly assign axis ticks or labels to a surfm plot.
Error using setm>verifyAxesChildren (line 399)
There is data in an hggroup that cannot be reprojected.
Error in setmasetmaxes (line 111)
verifyAxesChildren(ax, oldstruct, varargin{:});
Error in setm (line 49)
Error in Map (line 40)
setm(gca,'xlim',[1 180]); set(gca,'XTick',(1:10:180)); set(gca,'XtickLabel',(-180:20:180));
Thank you very much, Evan Kutta

Best Answer

I figured out my limits above went well beyond the boundaries of the map, here is what I used to label my northern hemisphere plot axes tick marks.
set(gca,'xlim',[-2.7 2.7],'XTick',(-2.7:.45:2.7)); set(gca,'XtickLabel',(-90:30:270));
set(gca,'ylim',[0 1.6],'YTick',(0:.25:3),'YtickLabel',(0:15:90));