MATLAB: Average of Wave from 10 waves in single graph

average of waveaverage waveformavereg waveformwavewave averagewaveforms

Hello Everyone,
I have a doubt concerning the average of the wave from a set of waves from sinlge dataset. I need to get a single average curve from all the curves from the figure. I am new to matlab and can not figure it out and have not been able Screenshot (6) .pngto do so for a long time. I need you to help and it would be great for me. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Try this:
D = load('P_191005_000.mat');
ap = D.b;
Ts = 1E-3; % Assume Sampling Interval
tv = linspace(0, 1, numel(ap))*Ts; % Create Time Vector
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(-ap, 'MinPeakDist',250, 'MinPeakHeight',-85 ); % Determine Peaks & Indices
plot(tv, ap)
hold on
plot(tv(locs), -pks, '+r')
hold off
for k1 = 1:numel(locs)-1
apc{k1} = ap(locs(k1):locs(k1+1)); % Define Frames
tvc{k1} = tv(locs(k1):locs(k1+1));
len(k1) = numel(locs(k1):locs(k1+1));
enstrim = cellfun(@(x)x(1:min(len)), apc, 'Uni',0); % Trim Records To Shortest Length
ensavg = mean([enstrim{:}],2); % Ensemble Average
hold all
for k1 = 1:numel(apc)
plot(tvc{k1}-tvc{k1}(1), apc{k1}) % Plot Frames
plot(tv(1:numel(ensavg)), ensavg.', '-r', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
Average of Wave from 10 waves in single graph - 2019 11 20.png