MATLAB: Automate mass open and process: string issue

string automate load save

I am sure this is a simple answer but I don't know it. I have ~ 175 datasets with names like this 1400075_03_D.txt
The numbers 1400075_03 are different of course for each dataset.
I need to do the following for all datasets:
alldata=importdata('1400075_03_D.txt'); EEG=pop_importdata('setname',140007503,'data',data,'chanlocs',chanlocs,'srate',250) EEG=pop_saveset(EEG,'filename','140007503');
Is there a simple way I can automate this?

Best Answer

See the FAQ
There's also a discussion/examples now in the documentation under the section Data and File Management if you drill down from there
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