MATLAB: “Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts” error


Any answer from you it will be priceless.
My images are 1701 from a highway (colored but i turn them in gray), where i am trying to do background substraction. % I have this code:
imgname = [imPath filesep filearray(1).name];
I = imread(imgname);
VIDEO_WIDTH = size(I,2);
VIDEO_HEIGHT = size(I,1);
ImSeq = zeros(VIDEO_HEIGHT, VIDEO_WIDTH, NumImages);
for i=1:NumImages
imgname = [imPath filesep filearray(i).name];
ImSeq(:,:,i) = imread(imgname);
disp(' ... OK!');
And in the ImSeq(:,:,i) line i am taking the "Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts" error.
How can I fix it?

Best Answer

"...colored but i turn them in gray"
But you didn't do that in the loop where you try to build the array, only in the first block of code where it doesn't really matter as you do nothing with the result.
ImSeq(:,:,i) = rgb2gray(imread(imgname));
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