MATLAB: ??? Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts


% my array declaration
% Create topleft quantized image
[img1,map] = rgb2ind(tl,64);
% color planes for topleft image
tl_rPlane = reshape(map(img1+1,1),size(img1)); % Red color plane for image
tl_gPlane = reshape(map(img1+1,2),size(img1)); % green color plane
tl_bPlane = reshape(map(img1+1,3),size(img1)); % blue color plane
imgarr(1,1,k)=imhist(tl_rPlane); % storing histograms for the 3 color planes to the kth dimension of the array..
my error:
??? Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than
non-singleton subscripts
Error in ==> modified at 42
i need to store the histogram values of the three color planes to the array please do help me…im totally a newcomer to matlab…
[EDITED, Jan, code formatted]

Best Answer

imhist replies a vector, but imgarr(1,1,k) is a scalar, if k is scalar. Perhaps you want imgarr to be a cell array:
imgarr = cell(5,3,nFrames);
imgarr{1,1,k} = imhist(tl_rPlane);
You can store only vectors of the same length in an numerical array, but in a cell array all elements can have different type and size. As a drawback, it is much harder to perform calculations with cell arrays, of course.