MATLAB: Assigning a Triangular Distribution to Each Entity of a Process Flow Model of SimEvents

SimEventssimevents. process flow

I’m trying to model the flow of a process very similar to Mathworks’ Model “Aircraft Boarding Process Flow" ( The model I’m trying to develop would be different in the following way. My model would have a unique triangular distribution for the time of each activity such as “Disembark.” Each activity of the Mathworks’ model has an option for supplying the block with a mean value only. The activity is modeled as an “Entity Server Block.” It would appear that one would assign a triangular distribution by attaching an event-based random-number attribute to each block. However, the Entity Server Block does not have an import port for receiving an event-based random number block. To represent each activity, should I be using a block capable of receiving the event based random-number block where I could specify a triangular distribution? Any comments would be very much appreciated.

Best Answer

I understand that you want to have an "Entity Server Block" that has an input port providing the service time duration. I assume you are using MATLAB R2016b. You are able to add an input port to the "Entity Server Block". This can be achieved by following these steps:
1) Double click the "Entity Server Block".
2) In the "Main" pane, choose "Signal port" for the "Service time source".
After the above steps, an input port should appear on the "Entity Server Block". You can connect either a constant block or an event-based random number block to this input port. The duration time in simulation should reflect this input value.
If you have any further question, you can contact MathWorks Technical Support for assistance.
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