MATLAB: Array Pattern Synthesis: is first plot not correct

arrayarray pattern synthesisazimuth anglesphased arrayPhased Array System Toolboxplotplotresponseula

In the ArraySynthesisExample.m example code, the first plot only plots at -90:90 degrees.
I have tried adding the 'AzimuthAngles' property in the plotResponse() function, but it does not work. Why does the example only show from -90 to +90 degrees? I can make it show from -50 to +50 degrees, for example, but not anything larger than -90 to +90.
The code states that the default is -180:180 for the Azimuth Angles, yet it only plots -90:90. Why is this?
Here is an example that does not work, i.e. it still only displays from -90 to +90 degrees:

Best Answer

Hi Chris,
This is because in setting up the antennas, the example used a very crude way to remove the response at the back by setting the BackBaffled to true. Therefore, there is really no response beyond -90 to 90 degrees. MATLAB plot is smart enough to know that there is really nothing to plot beyond that region. The polar plot probably shows is more clearly