MATLAB: Array muddle problem


I have an array composed of pairs of variables,
X=[a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2..]
and I want to modify each PAIR by a small random percentage. My percentage modifier is
Since 'modifier' is the same length as 'X', if I multiply them together I modify every element of 'X'. However, I need to modify each PAIR by the same percentage, ie
X=[0.99a1 0.99a2 1.02b1 1.02b2 0.95c1 0.95c2..]
I'm getting lost in the arrays on this one, any suggestions?

Best Answer

Here's a method that works for what you want to do. If X is length n x 1, create the modifier such that it is only n/2 x 1. Then, multiply the modifier by [ 1 1 ] a 1 x 2 array. This results in an n/2 x 2 array. Then, reshape the transpose to create an n x 1 array which will have each element repeated once. Here's the code:
modifier = percent(rand_percent(1:length(X)/2));
modifier = modifier * [ 1 1 ];
modifier = reshape(modifier',[],1);
Then, the final result can be multiplied element-wise by X:
Y = X.*modifier;