MATLAB: Is there a TLC function “LibBlockIWorkAddr” or “LibBlockRWorkAddr” in the Real-Time Workshop

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Is there a TLC function "LibBlockIWorkAddr" or "LibBlockRWorkAddr" in the Real-Time Workshop?
There is a TLC function "LibBlockIWork". However, I would like to obtain the address of the work vector instead. The Target Language Complier Guide does not specify a function for this, but I know that with TLC sometimes extra functions exist. If these functions exist, what are their arguments? If they do not exist, is there a way I can pass a pointer to my IWork and RWork elements into a function and thereby access several IWork and RWork elements from within the function?

Best Answer

There is no specific function for this purpose; however you can prepend an ampersand (&) in front of "LibBlockIWork" to achieve the same effect.
For example, this is done in the random number block in $MATLABROOT/rtw/c/tlc/blocks/randnum.tlc in this fashion:
uint32_T *RandSeed = (uint32_T *) &%<LibBlockIWork(RandSeed, "", "", 0)>;