MATLAB: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. Error in sym/subsref (line 870)

array indices must be positive integers or logical values.error in sym/subsref (line 870)for loopMATLAB

I have been having an issue with my code, I am writting a direct method for finding a root from a user input. However, I spent an hour to debug my code with no improvement. A help from the community would be very apperciated.
The error message output is as follow:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in sym/subsref (line 870)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
Error in direct_method (line 21)
thank you in advance, my code is as follow:
function Root_Found=direct_method
syms x
fx_given=input('Input the desired function:');
x1=input('Input the lower limit guess value of the root:');
x2=input('Input the upper limit guess value of the root:');
fprintf("The chosen roots values: [x1,x2]=[%.1f,%.1f] \n",x1,x2);
N=input('Input the number of iterations desired:');
for ii=1:N
title('Direct Method')
grid on

Best Answer

syms x
fx_given=input('Input the desired function:');
We can predict from the error message that whatever the user is entering in response to the prompt is not either an anonymous function or a symbolic function defined with symfun() . For example the user may be entering a formula such as
x^2 + 3*x - sin(x)
with fx_given not being a function handle or symbolic function, fx_given(VALUE) would be an attempt to index fx_given at location indicated by VALUE.
If the user is entering a symbolic expression, then you should use matlabFunction to convert the user expression into a function handle, or else you should code as
fx_given(x) = input('Input the desired function:');