MATLAB: Why am i getting that error


please help
i am writting a code for the trapz rule for numerical integration and i keep getting that error
Array indices must be positive
integers or logical values.
Error in sym/subsref (line 900)
R_tilde =
Error in tarpz (line 12)
y(i) = F(x(i));
and that is my code
clear all
syms x
A = input('the upper limit = ');
B = input (' the lower limit = ');
N = input (' number of intervals = ');
H = (B-A)/N;
F = input ('function = ');
sum = 0;
for i = 1:1:N-1
x(i) = A + i * H;
y(i) = F(x(i));
Area = H/2*(F(A)+F(B)+2*sum);
fprintf (' integration value is %.4f\n',Area);

Best Answer

The Symbolic Math Toolbox does knt know that ‘F’ is a function.
Try this instead:
F(x) = input ('function = ');
That worked when I tried it.