MATLAB: Are there missing dll messages when creating a VIDEOINPUT object with the Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.0 (R13.0.1+)

acquisitiondllimageImage Acquisition Toolboximaqmessagesmissingobjecttoolboxvideoinput

When creating a VIDEOINPUT object with my Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.0 (R13.0.1+), I receive messages like the following:
The dynamic link library OLFG32.dll could not be found in the specific path.
The dynamic link library MILVGA.dll could not be found in the specific path.
I am not sure why this is happening and I cannot reproduce it on my machine.

Best Answer

This is a bug in Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.0 (R13.0.1+) in the way that it handles non-used hardware device libraries.
To work around this issue, try to rename or remove the adaptor dlls that you are not using.
For example, if you are only using the "winvideo" device, rename the mwmatroximaq.dll and mwdtimaq.dll files in
to mwmatroximaq.dl_ and mwdtimaq.dl_.
(where $MATLAB = the MATLAB root directory on your machine)