MATLAB: Does IMAQHWINFO report that there are no supported image formats for the Matrox frame grabber

acquisitiondcfdevicefileformatformatsimageImage Acquisition Toolboximaqmatroxnosupportedvalid

When I run IMAQHWINFO on my Matrox device, MATLAB provides an object constructor but no results for supported formats. If I try using the object constructor, the following error appears:
??? The FORMAT specified is not supported by this device and is not a valid device file.
I am able to access and use the device outside of MATLAB.

Best Answer

Some Matrox boards have no built-in supported formats. In order to use such a board, you must provide a Device Configuration File (DCF) to the VIDEOINPUT object constructor. For example:
vidobj = videoinput('matrox', 1, 'mydcf.dcf');
DCF files are Matrox specific camera configuration files. They are normally created from within Intellicam or provided by Matrox or a camera vendor.