MATLAB: Are the axes limits incorrect when plotting multiple financial timeseries objects from the Financial Toolbox 3.5 (R2008b) into an axes using HOLD ON

Financial Toolbox

I am using the PLOT command to display multiple financial timeseries objects in a single figure as follows
clear all
% create first time series
sdata = [1:6]';
sdates = [today:today+5]';
t0 = fints(sdates, sdata, {'Close'});
% create second time series (added .1 to see difference in plot)
t1 = fints(sdates, sdata + .1, {'Close2'});
t1 = t1(2:(length(t1)-2));
% plot the 2 time series on the same plot
plot( t0 );
hold on;
plot( t1, 'r' );
While this ensures that both the timeseries objects are displayed, I see that the limits of the X-axis are set to fit the beginning and the end of the second timeseries only.

Best Answer

Financial time series objects are designed to be set up and handled as a group within a single fints object. To plot multiple time series on a single plot, use the MERGE command to create a single time series object. For an example, see below.
% create first time series
sdata = [1:6]';
sdates = [today:today+5]';
t0 = fints(sdates, sdata, {'Close'});
% create second time series (added .1 to see difference in plot)
t1 = fints(sdates, sdata + .1, {'Close2'});
t1 = t1(2:(length(t1)-2));
% merge time series into a single time series
temp = merge(t1,t0);
% then plot it