MATLAB: Are multiple seats of MATLAB checked out from the network license manager when I start a local parpool

MATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

I have a network license that I am accessing MATLAB and Parallel Computing Toolbox from. When I start up a local parpool with more than one worker, I see that multiple seats of MATLAB are being checked out from my Network License Manager. I can verify this by checking my License Manager debug log file.

Best Answer

Although seats of MATLAB appear to be getting checked out from your Network License Manager, the debug log file is only making a note of this occurrence and not actually checking out any additional seats for MATLAB.
This can be further confirmed by checking the license status to see how many seats of MATLAB are currently in-use for your license. You can check the status of your license by doing the following:
  1. Open* LMtools.exe* (located at $MATLAB\etc\win64\lmtools.exe, where $MATLAB is your installation directory)
  2. Choose the "Server Status" tab
  3. Click the 'Perform Status Enquiry' button
Run *lmstat -a *from a terminal session (lmstat can be found at $MATLAB/etc/glnxa64/lmstat, where $MATLAB is your installation directory