MATLAB: Applying Variants in Simbiology for Different Datasets during Parameter Estimation

parameter estimationpk modelSimBiologyvariants

I have seen some similar questions about this but they haven't quite answered what I need to do.
For my set-up I have a simple compartmental model which describes drug distribution, the volumes of these compartments is dependent on a parameter ( Bodyweight)
I am trying to parameterise the model using several datasets which are pooled to provide a single parameter set
However each dataset comes from a different experiment where the bodyweights are different and so I cannot use a single set bodyweight for all as it bias' my parameter estimations
Does anyone know how I could set a parameter estimation so that for each dataset a different value for the parameter Bodyweight is used?

Best Answer

Today, you cannot directly apply group-specific variants during fitting. (But this is definitely on our radar as something customers want to do.)
It's not terribly straightforward, but one workaround is to create "fake" group-specific dosing that sets the bodyweight for each group. I describe this sort of approach in more detail in this post.
If you still have questions, post a reply. But if you don't hear back in a timely fashion, you can contact me directly through my user profile. (I don't get notified when you reply to my answer.)