MATLAB: Apply colormap to plot(x,y)


Hi. I am plotting optical bandpass filters from measurments and want to colour each point depending on where it is on the spectrum. My x values are wavelength (488 = blue, 532 = green and 670 = red). For each point i plot, I want to be able to plot it in a colour that represents its true colour.
Im not sure how to firstly create the colormap, and secondly apply this to the plot(x,y function).

Best Answer

To create the colormap, you could use spectrumRGB in Spectral and XYZ Color Functions.
EDIT: Here is a little demo.
n = 20;
x = rand(n,1); y = rand(n,1); spect = linspace(300,830,n);
sRGB = spectrumRGB(spect);
sRGB = squeeze(sRGB); % For some reason spectrumRGB returns a 3D array
figure; hold on
for i = 1:n