MATLAB: How to retrieve the RGB data of a scatter plot from the CData values(a 1D vector corresponding to the array lengths X and Y)

scatter plot colormap color

I have a scatter plot with x and y vector's as my data. I have colored using another 1D vector z which has the same number of rows as x and y. Now I would like to get the RGB values of the corresponding colors from the CData scalar values.

Best Answer

You can obtain the indices based on the colormap and the Z vector applied to the CData property. Then you can get the corresponding RGB values using the "ind2rgb" function as follows:
h = scatter(x,y);
h.CData = z;
Cdata = h.CData;
cmap = colormap;
% make it into a index image.
cmin = min(Cdata(:));
cmax = max(Cdata(:));
m = length(cmap);
index = fix((Cdata-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)*m)+1; %A
% Then to RGB
RGB = ind2rgb(index,cmap)
For information on the "ind2rgb" function, refer this link: