MATLAB: Annotations with arrows for scatter plot


I have a scatter plot and would like to add labels with arrows for each data point (similar to the example below). I have a cellstring vector called ' labelc' with data labels of the same length as my x and y data vectors. I tried to use the annotation function in matlab to create the labels as follows…
a = annotation('textarrow',x,y,'String',labelc);
…but got an error message:
Error using annotation (line 121) unknown argument
Does anybody know how to achieve this?

Best Answer

*‘... with data labels of the same length as my x and y data vectors.’
That could be the problem. The documentation does not appear to support array arguments for them. See if putting the annotation calls in a loop, with one value for each ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘labelc’ in every iteration works:
for k = 1:...
a = annotation('textarrow',x(k),y(k),'String',labelc(k));
Make necessary changes to be certain ‘labelc’ is addressed correctly so it displays correctly.
(I am currently running a long optimization, and cannot test this approach just now.)