MATLAB: Convert variable to a title – includes special charcters

MATLABprint titlevariable to string

I am storing a file name as a variable to be retrieved. But, the name of the file contains underscores. When I use the variable name as the title of my plot each letter that follows an underscore becomes subscripted. What I would like is for the underscores to remain underscores. Example: FileName=SD_Padres_are_great;
Then I plot a chart & I use this as the title: title(FileName);
In the above example the output title would print with the underscores missing and the P a & g subscripted.
Does anyone know how to keep the title in the exact format of the FileName? BTW-I do not have control of the file names to change them as they are created by another program.

Best Answer

You could use the command "strrep" to replace the underscores with spaces:
strrep(FileName,'_',' ')
or if you want to keep the filename exact with the underscores, insert a backslash:
which will print the underscore as an underscore instead of treating it as a indicator for subscripting.