MATLAB: Analog circuits in Simulink

analog circuitsno solver errorrc circuitsSimscapesimulink

I want to implement simple circuits such as RC circuits in simulink with input from a signal generator. Unfortunately, I always encounter errors such as "no solver block" etc. Here's the pic of the model:
I am new to Simulink, so this might seem a bit silly but any help is welcome.

Best Answer

The error seems to indicate that you are missing a solver block, but you have one in the image you've attached. For the case of the attached image, I would expect a "missing reference node" error. You need to include at least one Electrical Reference in a Simscape electric system.
Also I noticed you are trying to connect a regular Simulink Scope to your circuit. To measure a value in the circuit you need to use an Electrical Sensor such as a Current Sensor or Voltage Sensor and then convert that signal to a regular signal using a PS-Simulink Converter block, then you can send that signal to a Scope.
It might be easiest to start from an example. Try loading ssc_new_elec by typing that at the MATLAB command prompt. That brings up a basic model and a helpful palette that you can use to quickly build up more models.