MATLAB: Am I unable to use the Excel Add-in created using MATLAB Builder for Excel 1.2.9 (R2007b) after installing MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


I am using a MATLAB built add-in and also the Spreadsheet Link EX simultaneously in a macro-enabled Excel workbook. The add-in was generated using MATLAB Builder for Excel 1.2.9 (R2009a). I intend to use both the Spreadsheet Link EX 3.0.3 (R2009a) and the add-in (which corresponds to R2007b) in my Excel workbook through a VBA macro.
To my horror, when I tried using the add-in after installing the newer version of MATLAB, none of the data values were updated in my Excel sheet, which indicated that the call to the add-in did not work.
I have tried all the usual tricks such as rearranging the MATLAB/ MATLAB Compiler Runtime directories in the system path, registering the older version of MATLAB as COM automation server, etc. I am unable to use the add-in even when I do not interface with the Spreadsheet Link EX in my VBA macro.
There are no error messages.

Best Answer

Check the version of MWComUtil type-library that is referenced by the VBA macro. There is a possiblility that after installing the newer version of MATLAB, the newer version of MWComUtil is being referenced and thus is incompatible with the add-in which was created against the older version of the DLL.
You may need to re-register the older version of MWComUtil, the one that corresponds to R2007b, in the DOS shell as follows:
mwregsvr mwcomutil.dll