MATLAB: Am I unable to start or run MATLAB 6.x (R12.x)


Although the problem is often noted as the inability to start MATLAB or the generation of errors as MATLAB tries to start, there are certain details that will help troubleshoot this problem. A list of possible distinctions are noted below
· The MATLAB splash screen comes up and stays up but MATLAB doesn't start
· The MATLAB splash screen comes up and then goes away and MATLAB doesn't start
· The error "Failure Loading Desktop Class" is displayed

Best Answer

Platform Specific solutions follow. Read the section that pertains to your particular platform. More information is available thereafter.
MS Windows
If you are on MS Windows, first check to see whether your system is equipped with a Pentium IV (a.k.a PIV, P4) chip. If this is the case, see Related Solution 1-1881O.
If you are on Linux, certain libraries are required. See Related Solutions 1-182T5 and 1-184MH.
If you are using any version of Sun's Solaris (2.6, 2.7 etc.), you will need to make sure that you are current with the necessary patches that allow Java to run smoothly. See Related Solution 1-188ZM.
For HP, please make sure that you have the latest GR-patch bundle (from Dec. 2000).
If you are on any of these platforms: HP, Alpha, or IBM, see the system requirements page and make sure that you are on a supported platform version. This is very important. These platforms are sensitive to MATLAB and slight version differences can lead to MATLAB not starting. See the following:
For the most part, you should be able to stop here as the problem may well have been resolved. However, in the event that this issue has not been resolved, please read on for suggestions as to what you might be able to do to get running with MATLAB.
The -nodesktop option
You may want to launch MATLAB without the desktop (on platforms where this is the default) to see if MATLAB starts. To do this on Unix, type:
matlab -nodesktop
On the PC you need to change your MATLAB shortcut so that it says
d:\applications\matlab.exe -nodesktop
If this works then execute the following command at the MATLAB prompt:
If the output is anything other than en, remove all files named:<something>
that are in the following directory:
EXCEPT for the file itself.
Once this is done, restart MATLAB.
The -nojvm option
If you have come this far and MATLAB still fails to start, then it may be that the JVM has not been installed properly and therefore Java is not able to initialize.
If running MATLAB with the -nojvm option works then one of several things could be at fault. See Related Solution 1-183FF.
Although this may not look like it addresses the issue you are having we have seen this resolve several customer issues on this matter.
Make sure that the following directory has a bin and a lib subdirectory:
where " <platform> " is the platform that you are running on i.e. sol, win32.
If it does not, you will need to reinstall MATLAB so that the JVM is properly installed. For instructions on installing MATLAB, see the MATLAB Installation Guide.
If these directories exist then rename the MATLAB.ini file. (see "Finding the MATLAB Preference Files" below). Try to launch MATLAB (without the -nodesktop flag). If this works, send us the MATLAB.ini file that you renamed.
If this still does not work shutdown MATLAB and rename the matlab.prf file (see "Finding the MATLAB Preferences Files" below). Try to launch MATLAB (without the -nodesktop flag). If this works, send us the .prf file that you renamed.
If -nodesktop does NOT work under any circumstance, try using the -nojvm command line option. This will bring up the old command window, but will prevent Java from being loaded into the executable. Let us know if this works.
NOTE: Check your C:\Temp directory to see if there are any java.log.XXX or matlab_crash_dump/XXX files. If there are any files, send them to us along with a specific description of what did and did not work. This will help us to isolate the problem.
Also, if you were able to get started after renaming your preferences files, please send them to us so we can see what part of them was corrupted and work to resolve that issue.
To find your MATLAB.ini and MATLAB.prf files, see the following:
The possible location of these files is either:
C:\WINNT\Profiles\<username>\Application Data\MathWorks\MATLAB\R12
C:\Windows\Application Data\MathWorks\MATLAB\R12
The files are most likely located in the user's home directory.