MATLAB: Am I unable to establish host-target communication using xPC target 4.2 (R2009b)

Simulink Real-Time

I have the following set up of host and target computers in my lab. There are two labs in which I have one target machine each. I have a host computer in one lab.
The following letter notations can be used for the lab configuration:
L1, L2 – Two labs
H1 – Host machine in lab # 1
T1, T2 – targets in lab # 1 & 2 respectively
I am trying to communicate from H1 to T2. Within L1, the host-target communication is successful. Outside L1, the connection from host to target in L2 fails.
I have xPC target version 4.2 (R2009b) installed on H1 & T1. I do not have the same version installed on T2.

Best Answer

In a scenario where you want to establish a successful connection between host and multiple targets, you must ensure that each of targets have the same version of xPC target product installed.
In this case using xPC target 4.2 (R2009b) on T2 will ensure that the host and multiple target communication will work properly.