MATLAB: Am I unable to boot up the computer after installing the Real-Time Windows Target with ‘rtwintgt -setup’


I installed with my license and the installer said I should run 'rtwintgt -setup', so I did. When I restarted my machine, as it indicated I should, my computer freezes while it is booting up.

Best Answer

You should still be able to boot into safe mode.
For information on booting in safe mode with Windows 98, see the Related Solution.
If you are on Windows NT, there is no option to boot in safe mode. You can boot in VGA mode, which will ignore some of your drivers.
Once you are in safe mode, open a MATLAB window and run 'rtwintgt -uninstall'. If you cannot open MATLAB (due to not being able to access a network license server, for example):
1) Boot into safe mode
2) Open a DOS window
3) use the CD command to navigate to
(where $MATLABROOT is your root MATLAB directory)
and execute the command 'rtwintgt -uninstall' to uninstall the kernel.