MATLAB: Am I not able to see any options in the “New Deployment Project” window of DEPLOYTOOL when using MATLAB Compiler 4.10 (R2009a)

deploytoolemptygrayedhashaslicenseinstalledisisinstalledlicenseMATLAB Compilermissingout

When I open DEPLOYTOOL to create a new deployment project, "The New Deployment Project" window does not have any options for choosing a type of project and is empty. Also, the "OK" button is grayed out.

Best Answer

This issue can occur if something has gone wrong during installation or the license for the MATLAB Compiler Toolbox is not available. For verifying this, run the following commands on the MATLAB command prompt:
>> com.mathworks.mlservices.MLLicenseChecker.hasLicense('Compiler')
>> com.mathworks.mlwidgets.util.productinfo.ProductInfoUtils.isProductInstalled('MATLAB Compiler')
If either of the above command returns 0 then de-activate, re-install and re-activate MATLAB. Also make sure that the license version matches the MATLAB version.