MATLAB: Always getting 255 while adding.


I had a matrix of Red values of an image R of size 65536*1 and i had 3 integer values RR(1),GG(1) and BB(1). I need to add R(1)+GG(1)+BB(1) to get new RR(2). Similarly for the other two. But while am doing Rcomponent = R(1)+GG(1)+BB(1); its showing 255 always. [here R(1) = 68 , GG(1) = 173 , BB(1) = 147] Please help me with this. R matrix is of uint8.

Best Answer

All of the integer types clip resulting values at both ends. So for uint8 it clips the lower end at 0 and the upper end at 255. You can convert to double first if you want to see what you are apparently expecting. E.g.,
Rcomponent = double(R) + double(GG) + double(BB);