MATLAB: Aligning ytick marks in a yyplot

plotyyy-axis alignment

I am currently trying to make a plot with two y axes using plotyy. However, I needed to change the y limits on both axes. After I changed the y limits the y ticks on the right and left no longer line up, which makes the plot look poor when I turn the grid on. I am wondering if there is a way to line up the YTick marks. I would like for them to be aligned the way they are when you first make the plot with plotyy. Thanks
Here is my sample code:
t = 1:100;
y = exp(-(1/100)*(t-50).^2);
rr = -0.1 + 0.2*rand(100,1);
y = y+rr';
c = cumtrapz(y);
[ax] = plotyy(t,y,t,c);
set(ax(1),'YLim',[0 inf])
set(ax(2),'YLim',[0 inf])
grid on

Best Answer

No. Setting the YLim upper limit to infinity has no documented meaning, and in practice has subtle interactions with "axis tight" (or not) that make it difficult to say what the "right" solution is.
The calculations that you would need to do in order to align the ticks depend upon having finite ylim for both axes.