MATLAB: Plotyy y-axis ticks/label issues

axislabel;plotyyticky axis

I'm trying to show tick marks and their values on both y axis, but nothing I do seems to help. Here's my code.
%Plot Absorbance and Current versus time.
title (FileName);
xlabel ('Time(minutes)');
ylabel (AX(1),'Absorbance (AU)');
ylabel (AX(2),'Current (\muA)');
set(AX(1),'ylim',[min(AU) max(AU)]);
set(AX(2),'ylim',[min(uA) max(uA)]);
set(AX(1),'xlim',[t(1) t(end)]);
set(AX(2),'xlim',[t(1) t(end)]);
Current should be from about 0 to 60. Absorbance should be from about 0 to .03. The x axis tick marks/labels show up fine. The only y axis that has any kind of scaling is the right (current) and it only has one value. Can anyone help?

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