MATLAB: Advanced Plotting of graphs


Hello everyone,
i wrote a matlab simulation for a traffic scenario. I have multiple vehicles on a road and a time.
The simulation ends up providing a v-t and a s-t diagramm.
As I need to plot them I was wondering if the following is possible:
One x axis (position/s) and two y – axis (speed and time) with the velocity pointing upwards and the time downwards. So I could look at the "bottom graph" where my vehicle is at a given time and then, by just moving straight up, see the actial velocity at this point.
For that I need to tranform the v-t data into s-t but this shouldn't be a problem so far I'm having trouble to get the graphs looking like this and the axis set up.
Is there anyone who has an idea how to realise this?
Thanks very much in advance

Best Answer

Thanks for your reply. Yes i've already used the plotyy command but as you say unfortunately it doesn't give me two seperated plots.
Do you know if it's possible via subplots? Is there any way to remove th egap between two plots? Then I'd just need to turn one axis around and hide the other x axis this shouldn't be too difficult, right?