MATLAB: Adapting pattersearch algorithm to use with distributed computing server.

matlab distributed computing serverpattersearchsimulink

I use a pattern search algorithm in the simulink toolbox to estimate a set of parameters.
Let's say I have a matlab file that opens a matlabpool and calls pattern search algorithm:
main.m {
%main calls pattern search
matlabpool open
options = psoptimset('UseParallel', 'always')
X0 = [0.5 0.5]; % Starting point
[x,fval] = patternsearch(@simple_objective(x),X0)
I send it to the hpc cluster using the pbs file as follows:
% PBS file
#PBS -l nodes=12
#PBS -l walltime=240:00:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l pmem=5gb
#PBS -q starxf
cd ..
matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -r main.m
How can I change this file to use the distributed computing toolbox.
I guess I could not just change the last line to dmatlab ? i.e.
cd ....
dmatlab main.m
I understand how simple examples work when a parfor loop is transformed using createTask and then an *.m file is called with dmatlab. But I am new to parallel computing and cannot really wrap my mind about how to do it using the distributed matlab server.

Best Answer

Firstly, you need to set up a parallel configuration to allow Parallel Computing Toolbox to talk to your PBS cluster. You may need to refer to the MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine documentation to do this, Once you've validated you cluster profile, you should be able to simply remove the 'matlabpool open' line from main.m, and then submit a batch job like this:
cluster = parcluster('myPBSProfile');
job = batch(cluster, 'main', 'Pool', 11);
See also the documentation for batch.