MATLAB: Accessing specific bus elements

bus-elementdata store memoryEmbedded Codersimulinksimulink coder

I create bus (PS_controller) with 2 elements. After that I insert Data Store Memory block into model. I create new data (Create and Resolve…) with PS_controller data type. When I use Data Store Read to read specific element, this error occurs:
Accessing dis-contiguous memory regions is supported only at non-bus nodes. This was specified for the region of memory 'MyData.Kp' associated with the block 'DataStoreMemory_bus/Data Store Read'
I attached model and file for my bus. Thanks for any advice, which solve my issue.
Vit V.

Best Answer

I have solved it. Error occurs due to wrong initialization MyData. I have found 2 solutions:
1) In the initial value use struct('Kp',1,'Ki',2) instead of [1 2].
2) Use Initialize Function block. In this block use Data Store Write for specific element assignments.