MATLAB: Do I get a data type propagation error when I try to use a Data Store Memory block mapped to a Simulink.Signal


I am using a Data Store Memory block in my model as follows:
I defined "mySig" as a Simulink.Signal in the base workspace and set the data type to be a bus:
But when I do an Update Diagram, I get this error:
Cannot propagate non-bus signal from 'Output Port 1' of 'untitled1/Data Store Read'
to 'Input Port 1' of 'untitled1/Out1' because the destination block requires a bus signal
How do I resolve this error?

Best Answer

That error message occurs because the Data Store Memory block is not using the definition of "mySig" that was defined in the Base Workspace. You can make the Data Store Memory block resolve to the "Simulink.Signal" object by selecting "Data store name must resolve to Simulink signal object" option in the block dialog: