MATLAB: Accessing Long Text from matlab

long text

Is there any way to store and retrieve MS access Long text?

Best Answer

I don't have any problem storing and retrieve LONGTEXT data from access, so you should explain what issues you've encountered.
However, note that I don't use (and don't have) the database toolbox to communicate with Access. The following works without any issues:
connection = actxserver('ADODB.connection'); %Use ADO to talk to Access
connection.Provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'; %Use Access engine
connection.Open([pwd, 'TestDb.accdb']); %Open existing database in local directory
connection.Execute('CREATE TABLE TestTableLT (Id COUNTER, Content LONGTEXT)'); %create table
connection.Execute(['INSERT INTO TestTableLT VALUES (1, "', char(randi(double('az'), 1, 1024)), '")']); %insert row with random 1024 characters

connection.Execute(['INSERT INTO TestTableLT VALUES (2, "', char(randi(double('az'), 1, 1024)), '")']); %insert row with random 1024 characters
recordset = connection.Execute('SELECT * FROM TestTableLT'); %retrieve rows
recordset.GetRows.' %get all rows (which are actually return as columns of a cell array, so transpose)